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Funeral Culture and Traditions Across the World

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Death is inevitable, bringing mourning for the families and friends of the deceased. It seems that we people would say the last goodbye to the beloved worldwide; hence, funeral traditions are performed worldwide. Performing end-to-life rituals is universal, but the way these are performed varies greatly depending on the different cultures. The world is full of unique and eclectic cultures, eventually leading to many intriguing and diverse funeral cultures.

Each culture has its way of performing death rituals reflecting the core of its values and beliefs.


Commemorate a loved one in a graveyard
Commemorate a loved one in a graveyard

Funeral Culture and Traditions in Different Areas and Countries


In the USA/CA, green burial is a famous practice as people consider it a more respectful and environmentally beneficial process. The dead body is not cremated or prepared with harmful chemicals before burial. People in South America also opt for cremation. It is one of the disposition methods in which a body burns to ashes after death. Green burial, cremation, and simple burial are common funeral cultures in these countries.


If you have been to any funeral in North America, you'll find Australians also follow the same funeral practice. But obviously, there are some differences. People of various religions and cultures live in Australia, including Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Atheists. So, they perform rituals according to their own culture. People of aboriginal cultures have a unique funeral culture. After a death ceremony, they first hold a smoking ceremony to drive away the deceased's spirit. The body is not in a casket or tomb during the death ceremony; the family celebrates the dead's life.


In Europe, people belonging to various cultures live and perform funeral culture accordingly. For example, it is customary in Italy to kiss the deceased's cheek or forehead at funerals, so open-casket funerals are prevalent. The kiss serves as a representation of respect for the dead.

A tomb in European countries
A tomb in European countries


Many funeral cultures practiced in the UK are remnants of the Victorian era. Pre-Christian Celts believed in reincarnation, and they used to fill their graves with the traditional items needed for the next life. And now more modern practices are followed. People in the UK release an obituary notice to announce death. People used to wear only black clothing, but now they wear a mixture of colors, including brown and navy. Funeral processions and wakes were common, and some still follow these rituals.


Germany's funeral cultures differ from the rest of the Western countries. In the past, the cremation process could not be handled by the deceased's family but rather by the state. Now people follow cremation culture, and the ashes are stored in urns. It is most common nowadays as it is a more personalized process and less costly.


In Switzerland, cremation is the traditional funeral ceremony, just like in most European countries. But if your beloved had wished for some specific type of funeral, the funeral takes place accordingly. The funeral ceremony is usually held within 48 to 98 hours. Cremated ashes of the deceased can be scattered in nature, in some holiday residences, or even ashes can be set into diamonds, depending on the wishes of the deceased's family. In Switzerland, it is allowed to spread cremated ashes freely in the environment.

Asian Countries

In Asian countries, most people will hold death ceremonies at home. Different funeral ceremonies are in various countries. For example, in Hong Kong, people opt for Taoist rituals. And in Taiwan, a ceremony called "Tou Qui" is performed on the seventh day following a person's passing.


In Japan, the end-to-life ceremony is performed one day after the individual passes. Different rituals are performed, including a wake, the cremation of the deceased, periodic memorial service, and burial in the family grave. After the cremation of the body, the bones are picked out from the ashes by the deceased's family members and stored in an urn. The urn is then buried in a family grave. And memorial services are then followed. The most popular memorial service in Japan is the hand memorial service.

Pick up the cremation ashes
Pick up the cremation ashes

Funerals Service Spread the World

After losing a loved one, we can't make sense of our emotions, loss, and sorrow. Funeral practices act as a tool to help us cope with our sudden loss and to bid farewell to our beloved. As we explored how people in different countries follow different funeral cultures to come to terms with their loss, we found out they all are trying to honor the memories of the deceased. And following are the best practices for doing so.

Green Burial

Green burial requires far fewer resources for the care of the body as compared to other practices. This practice is eco-friendly as no chemicals or non-biodegradable elements are involved. Green burials don't apply embalming chemicals, extraneous cement, and non-biodegradable materials. The dead's body is placed in a biodegradable container and, after being buried for a long time, can be decomposed gradually.

Rules and Regulations

Cement, metal coffin vaults, and embalming fluids are avoided in natural burials. The ideal burial depth from the bottom of the grave to the soil horizon is 3.5-4 feet for optimal decomposition conditions. You'll have to choose a cemetery. Each cemetery has its policies according to the state where you live. Caskets could be made of plain wood, wicker, or cardboard. There are no laws that restrict green burial. But you'll have to consider federal regulations and your state laws.

Memorial Diamond

A memorial diamond is another innovative and meaningful way to honor the memories of the deceased.

What Is a Memorial Diamond?

Memorial diamonds are not simple but are far more meaningful as they are made of cremated ashes or hair. The carbon is extracted from the deceased's ashes or hair, used for the gem's production, and created in labs under controlled conditions.

The best thing about lab-g rown diamonds is that they can be personalized according to your particular preferences. You can choose many types of memorial diamond jewelry, such as a memorial ring or necklace as a keepsake. You can keep this sentimental memorial jewelry with you forever, as the lab-grown diamond will not get scratched or cracked over time.

A stunning memorial diamond made from cremation ashes
A stunning memorial diamond made from cremation ashes

Why Choose a Cremation Diamond for Your Deceased Loved One?

Cremation diamonds are in high demand as these enable you to keep a meaningful part of your deceased loved one with you in an elegant and meaningful way. Cremated diamonds look more bright and prettier than natural diamonds. The positivity and brightness of these gems are an impeccable way to carry the remains of loved ones.

Memorial diamonds will always accompany you, and you'll be able to keepsake the remains of your loved one close to you in the form of a gem. These are not expensive, look the same as natural diamonds, and their value is a thousand times greater than any other stone as they are created with the cremated ashes/hair of a deceased you can't see anymore. Still, you can keep their part with you forever.

How to Choose the Memorial Diamond?

Memorial diamonds come in a variety of colors. You can get customized styles and sizes. To choose the right memorial diamond, you need to connect with a company that can create memorial gems the way you need. Lonite™️ is a company that makes customized memorial diamonds from cremated ashes/hair of people.

The important thing is that they understand the emotions and values attached to memorial diamonds, so they make sure to create the most extravagant cremated diamonds with utmost care and protection. Your deceased beloved's cremated ashes/hair is handled most professionally, and it is made sure that the leftover cremated ashes/hair are returned to you.

Cremation diamonds made into memorial jewelry
Cremation diamonds made into memorial jewelry

The Pros and Cons of Different Funeral Services

There are benefits and drawbacks to every funeral practice. For instance, cremation is cost-effective as no coffin, burial, or monument is required. It is also flexible and portable. But cremation can't be performed everywhere. You'll need to find a specific place to complete the cremation process.

Burial is another option followed widely across the world. It is widely accepted and is a favorable option as families have one particular place to visit the deceased. But it is very costly as you need to pay for a grave, grave digging labor, and a coffin.

Natural burial can be a great way to honor the deceased's life while also paying respect to the planet, as it is an eco-friendly option. But you won't be able to mark the grave, and the body will decompose very slowly.

A memorial diamond is one of the most meaningful ways to memorialize the dead. These are stunning and impeccably heartwarming, made from the cremated ashes/hair of someone you love. This option has a lot of benefits that include;

Living in Another Form

Cremated diamond consists of the ashes/hair of your beloved, which means the deceased will live with you even after they die in another form, a brighter, more extravagant, and unique form. Indeed, diamonds are the world's most valued gems, and keeping your loved one's cremated ashes with you as a diamond is the best way to honor their memories.


People are becoming more conscious of their decisions and purchases that affect the environment. Indeed, different funeral cultures can have devastating effects on the environment. However, cremated diamonds are eco-friendly. They have no harmful environmental impact, enabling you to memorialize the dead without hurting the environment.

A cremation diamond necklace
A cremation diamond necklace


Cremated diamonds are unique. You can add them to any piece of jewelry, including rings and necklaces. You keep them as a gem rather than crying and feeling horrible for the deceased. Customization will make these diamonds more unique and meaningful for you.


Several funeral traditions are being followed and practiced around the world. No matter whether burial or cremation is being performed, the main purpose of each practice is to bid farewell to our beloved and honor their memories.

There is no wrong way to honor the memories of your beloved, but one of the best ways is to keep their remains with you in the form of diamonds. You can follow this memorial practice despite your culture and religion.

A memorial diamond will act as a treasured family heirloom that can be passed down from generation to generation, perpetuating the memory of our departed loved ones. All you need to do is to choose a company that can create the best memorial diamonds for you.

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